Delivering since 1996
Wherever You Want It To Go Faster.
Nonstop , Rush , Regular , Same Day and Overnight Services.
COVID 19 Update
To our valued customers
We are open 24/7 and our team is operating around the clock to keep your freight moving.
Our local line hauls are normal and scheduled. Due to the COVID-19 ongoing situation, and from the principle of our concern to eliminate shipments not being received, we are asking if you can please confirm with our consignees that they are open and receiving shipments.
For the safety of our customers as well as our drivers, we are no longer requiring customers to sign the drivers cell phone to capture real time signatures. The drivers will deliver the products and just ask the receiver for their names and type the name in to complete the delivery in our system. This process will continue until we get clearance from our government that we can relax social distancing. Let’s keep working together to keep our communication lines strong at this unprecedented time!
Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns. We are here to support you! Call us at 905-940-1680 or email at
Wishing you all the best. Stay safe.
All Ontario Express & Saadco Inc. Management
Note: if you require access please feel free to call the office at anytime
Our services
All Ontario Express delivers to any city in the GTA, our fleet contains Cars, Hatchback, Van , Full Size Van , Trucks & Trailers.
We are committed to providing our clients with professional, courteous, dependable service using the latest and most efficient technology to put your goods where they need to be, and when.
Reliable Service
Our mission is to attract and retain customers by providing best in class courier services and fostering a profitable, disciplined culture of safety.
We have established a strong presence in the courier industry. Our services earn a reputation for quality and excellence that few can rival.
Safety & Security
Safety for our employees, customers and motoring public will always remain our primary focus in all the policies, procedures and programs that govern our business.

All Ontario Express Inc. is committed to providing efficient and reliable services across all its business segments to its valued customers where safety is our top priority.
All Ontario Express will commit its resources to safe and environmentally sound operating practices. That will result in providing our employees with a safe work environment and our customers with assurance of safe, dependable service.
We aim to be recognized among current and prospective shipper clients as a premier provider of logistics and transportation services, to be the leader in the transportation management industry.
Working at All Ontario Express is exciting and fun.
Deal with daily rush of courier industry and rewards are endless.
To apply for a driver or dispatch position please contact us using our contact page. Write a brief description of yourself. Provide details about your experience, driving record, your vehicle make and model.